martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

The Type of Person that I am

Everybody follows everybody, but that´s not me. I have always like to be that person that goes left when everyone goes right, the person that goes up when everyone goes down. That´s me. An optimistic person that always look the bright side of the things, the one that lives with her family and four dogs, the one that loves those artists and songs people don´t know about them. Songs about nothing, songs with good rhythm. The person that doesn´t dress like a proper lady because she doesn´t feel like it just because she´s conform with how she dress. A person (girl) that prefers converse over those discount high heels at the mall. An ¨un normal¨ teenager for the rest of the teenagers and the perfect daughter for most of those teenagers parents. Don´t drink, don´t smoke, don´t go out to parties on weekends and doesn´t rely on a cell phone. Because of all of these I’m kind of unsocial, but with little friends that are worthy. A still kind of childish person that once in a while enjoy watching cartoons. A girl that doesn´t care how her hair look because still is going to be a windy day. I´m the opposite to the people, but the positive to all the problems. I´m who I am and I’m very happy and comfortable with being myself.

1 comentario:

WingedBeaTrek dijo...

Eres unica sol
Una chica unica. Que no sigue los estandares que esta sociedad superficial impone. Que prefieres abrazar la ternura e inocencia de la niñez, que corromperte por la oscuridad y frialdad de la vida adulta.

Me gusta tu personalidad, esa forma de ser....verlo todo con un cristal brillante, verlo todo rosa, verlo con una sonrisa, ver el mundo como realmente es y no como nos han enseñado a verla.

Simplemente eres unica Sol
No cambies solo por que los demas te lo digan, no lo hagas
Ignoralos; ignora sus palabras criticandote, tomalas como polvo en el viente, solo se van.....

Tu eres perfecta, no importa lo que los demas digan. Eres hermosa, no importa lo que los otros murmuren