Heinz Doofenshmirtz para mi:
He’s more than a villain in fact i don’t think he’s really bad at all. Doof is a character that has so many great things. I have learn things of this character. The bad treatment that he received from his parents just make me appreciated him more, love him more and made me realize even more that people deserve to have opportunities and respect. This character aside that he’s funny and “bad” has a great soft-heart and compassion than any human being that i know; looking for a doll almost all his life, rescuing a kitten, caring about two boys that he barely knew (phienas and ferb), caring about the one that is suppose to be his nemesis talks alot about the true person (character) he really is and has on is inside. I also love how he treats women with respect eventhough he hasn’t had any success on his dates. He’s a lovely father that wants the best for his daughter and wants to be that cool dad (and i can relate him with my dad in that aspect), he doesn’t want to commit the same mistakes that his parents made with him. I think that he doesn’t want really to rule the tri-state area, i think that he really wants to fix the things from the past on his own way. He really loves and enjoys the time he’s with perry (and perry too). I can relate to him because i’m also not good with words and sometimes people don’t understand what i’m talking about. I feel sorry for his terrible childhood and now more because as an adult he reflects the good person that he’s and he only wanted to be a normal kid, maybe just as Phineas and Ferb. I think that this character is just perfect,lovely and soft-heart. I think we have still many things to learn from his inside and true heart, because the real Doof is the best person (character) in the world.♥ Español: El es mas que un villano, de hecho no creo que sea malo. Doof es un personaje que tiene miles de cosas buenas, y eh aprendido muchas cosas de este personaje. El mal trato que recive de sus padres me hacen apreciarlo, amarlo mas y me ha puesto a pensar que la gente merece tener oportunidades y respeto. Este personaje,aparte de que es gracioso y "malo" tiene un gran corazon y tiene mas compasion que cualquier ser humano que conozco; buscar una muñeca por casi toda su vida, rescatar a un gatito, preocuparse por dos niños que apenas conoce (phienas and ferb), preocuparse por quien supuestamente es su nemesis habla mucho de la verdadera persona (personaje) que en realidad es y quien es en su interior. Tambien amo de que trata a las mujeres con respeto, aunque no haya logrado tener una cita con exito. Es un padre amoroso que quiere lo mejor para su hija y quiere ser el tipico papa cool (y me puedo relacionar con eso porque asi es mi padre), no quiere cometer los mismos errores que sus padres hicieron con el. No creo que en realidad quiera dominar el area limitrofe, yo mas bien creo que quiere arreglar las cosas de su pasado a su propia manera y que quiere tener un poco de la mucha atencion que no tuvo cuando era niño. Realmente disfruta del tiempo que pasa con perry (y perry tmb). En verdad siento tanta lastima por la mala niñez que tuvo y mas ahora que como adulto reflejalo buena persona que puede lograr ser,creo que el como niño solo queria tener una niñez normal, quiza algo asi como la que tienen phineas y ferb. Creo que este personaje es simplemente perfecto, amoroso, y con un gran corazon.Creo que aun nos quedan tantas cosas que aprender de su interior y su bondadoso y verdadero corazon que tiene, por que el verdadero Doof es la mejor persona (personaje) en el mundo. ♥